Put Emojis On Videos
Put Emojis On Videos

Face Track Tutorial

How To Work With

Face-Track In

PutEmoji Application

To use benefit from face trackers, you first need to click on Icon State to open the state menu (1), and then you have to click on “FaceTrack” Button to put PutEmoji to FaceTrack state (2).

When PutEmoji goes to FaceTrack State, the “Detect Faces” button at the bottom of PutEmoji appears for you. After you go to your desired frame, click the “Detect Faces” button so that PutEmoji starts detecting the faces of that frame (3).

After the faces are detected by PutEmoji (4), you must first select the face (or faces) that you want to use by clicking on the rectangular overlay (5) or clicking on the “Select All” button (6).

A rectangular tracker has 3 modes:

Unselected (pink border without inter line)

Selected for tracking (pink border with inter line)

Selected for editing (white border) (every tracker that selected for editing is selected for tracking)


Selected for tracking

Selected for editing

Tapping on a tracker changes its mode from Unselected to Selected for Editing; tapping it again changes it back to Unselected from Selected for Editing.

After selecting a tracker, you can add overlays that are attached to the tracker. To add attaching overlays, you have to open the overlays list.

By default, the list of overlays appears when the tracker is set to edit mode, but you can also open it by clicking on the attaching button in the corner. (7)

In the list of overlays, you can select your overlay to attach it by tapping on it (8) if you do not have any overlays in your list, then click on the “Add” button to add some. (9) You can see more on how to use this feature in the edit tutorial.

Trackers do not need attachment overlays to continue the tracking process, just move them into tracking mode. Overlays can be added to trackers after the tracking process.


When you want to deselect a tracker that has an attached overlay, you must first delete the overlay and then tap on the tracker. To delete an attaching overlay, click on the three-dot button (10) in the corner of the overlay and then click on the “Delete” button (11).

You can also specify the direction of each tracker. Clicking on the tracker direction button (12) in the corner will open a menu where you can select the tracker direction. There are 3 modes available for each tracker:

1- only forward (13)

2- only backward (14) 

3- two-way (15). For each tracker, the default mode is two-way.

After clicking on the “Start Tracking” PutEmoji then starts tracking the selected face (or faces) (16) in the direction that you selected until they are recognizable or you click on the “Stop” button. (17)

That means: If there is a selected face in the video, you don’t have to go back to the beginning of the video to start tracking the face, and whenever the face is clear, PutEmoji will automatically begin tracking the face in two ways. For example, if a face is present from frame 2 to 10, you do not need to go to frame number 2, but to one of the frames from 2 to 10, for example, 8 or 7 or 4, and perform this operation. PutEmoji hides the whole face from frames 2 to 10.

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