Put Emojis On Videos
Put Emojis On Videos

Object Track Tutorial

How To Work With

Object Track

In PutEmoji App

For using the object track feature, you first need to click on Icon State to open the state menu (1), and then you have to click on the “Object Track” Button to change the state of PutEmoji to Object Track (2). ‎

You need to change the “finish” location and “start” in order to indicate the time interval when you want to show your overlay based on an object.  (3) (Hint: start must be the frame in which the object appears, and finish must be the frame in which the object disappears)‎ It’s just like the Record state!

The two buttons located at the bottom of the frame stepping buttons enable you to set the start and finish positions to the current position. Click the left button to make the start equal to the current position(4), and click the right button to make the finish position equal to the current position of the video. (5)

Once you have selected the desired time range, choose the frame with the highest resolution of the object you want your overlay to be based on (obviously this position is between the start and the finish). Then click the “Add Tracker” button to add a tracker (6).

Currently, you can only add one tracker. Then adjust the tracker to completely enclose the object. After you put the tracker in the right position, you can add overlays that are attached to the tracker. To add attaching overlays, you have to open the overlays list.


you can open it by clicking on the attaching button in the corner. (7)

In the list of overlays, you can select your overlay to attach it by tapping on it (8) if you do not have any overlays in your list, then click on the “Add” button to add some. (9) You can see more on how to use this feature in the edit tutorial.

Trackers do not need attachment overlays to continue the tracking process, Overlays can be added to trackers after the tracking process.

After that click the “Start Tracking” button. (10) PutEmoji will start the object Tracking from the desired position by clicking this button and will continue to do so until it reaches the start and finishes positions.

As the object tracking algorithm is less accurate than the face tracking algorithm, we have provided you with the ability to monitor the results generated by the tracker: To do this, click on the “Preview” button while PutEmoji is tracking the object. (11)

By clicking on this button, you are able to see the object tracking process separately for forward and backward trackers. Should you not be satisfied with the results obtained, click the “STOP” button to end the tracking activity. (12) (Note that monitoring the object tracking process slows down the speed of the object tracking process) Clicking the “Back” button closes the preview page and speeds up the object tracking process again. (13)

You can also stop the object tracking process completely by clicking the “Cancel” button (both forward and backward) (14)

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